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Thursday, 4 June 2009

The Domestic Horrors Tag

I love my home and love to cook and serve my family even more. I have lived for most part of my life with my grandparents and there were huge family gatherings all the time, so I am used to the hosting business and continuous flow of guests at home. Except for the occasional lack of salt in a dish or sugar in the tea, I cant really think of kitchen experiences.
And just as I finished typing the last line, I remembered this incident. Aditi was about 8 months old and I had kept dal in the pressure cooker. It was the small 3 litre Hawkins one, so we just put the dal or rice straight into the cooker and add water. Not in a separate vessel as is usally the case with a bigger cooker. And I washed the dal, closed the lid, placed it on the stove and carried on with whatever I was doing - domestic chores. After about 20 minutes, I smelt plastic burning. Thats when I reliazed that I had not added any water to the dal! And the safety valve got burnt i n the process. Since this was an aluminium one, it was not so difficult to clean....
Another one was with the washing machine five years ago. We had just moved into Belfast and ours was a washer only WM. There was no dryer and we had to dry the clothes in the balcony on a line, fasten it with pegs. I switched on the machine at night and since it takes a while, I went off to sleep. Usually the next morning, I would pull the clothes out and take them to the balcony. That day was no different or so I thought and opened the washing machine. Out came buckets and buckets of water. Soemthing went wrong - I dont remember the details, but I spent a good one hour trying to clean my water-logged kitchen. Thankfully the kitchen was not carpetted and had vinyl floors, so I could easily clean it up.

Feeel free to take up this tag and let us know of your domestic horros.

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