Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Sleep - How it all happened

The popular saying 'sleeping like babies' is extremely misleading as not many babies that I know of sleep for 20 hours a day. At least, Aditi was not so. She slept for probably 10 hours out of 24 and the rest was spent either feeding or crying. During the first 4 weeks, my mom and I had many sleepless nights not knowing what would put this baby to sleep. And she would not sleep until midnight which made us even more tired. We would be terrified when the clock struck 9pm.The drama - as we called it would begin by 9pm and go on until midnight, when she would finally be rocked to sleep. In those early days, moving her from my lap after a feed to the bed would result in lots of crying and I would have to feed her in lying positions for as long as 40 minutes to put her to sleep. In short, it was tiring and not so much fun.
Sometime around the sixth week, I was introduced to mommy blogging. I was happy for 2 reasons - to take my mind off feeding Aditi and learning that most mommies had similar problems that I faced. The solution to the sleep issue came in the form of Tharini's 'A Tale of two sleepers'. As I read the entire post, I was thrilled to find that sleep training was possible even when the baby was as young as 2 months old. We started playing a classic CD on Ganesha hymns. We had to break the 'rocking to sleep' habit and to get Aditi to sleep in her crib. She was co-sleeping until about 2 months. I was told of CIO, but was not in favor of letting my little baby cry so long and tire herself although I knew that it worked well for a few other friends.
The musical mobile fascinated her and it was constantly played during the day. Wished we had a remote controlled one so we did not have to wind it up every 6 minutes. Thanks to my father who would play the mobile on and on endless number of times until Aditi fell asleep. At night, the musical mobile proved a distraction, so had to be removed before Aditi could sleep. I would leave Aditi in her crib, play the CD, sleep beside her on the bed and keep patting her until she fell asleep. It wasn't easy in the beginning, but I am thankful to many bloggers who guided me to teach Aditi to sleep.
When she was about 2 weeks old, amidst lots of protests, we bought a pacifier. My mom wasn't particularly inclined to give Aditi the paci as she found it terribly difficult to break my habit. It seemed that I would never give it up and would ask for the 'va-va' all the time until about a year. Aditi used the va-va to sleep until about 5 months and then stopped using it on her own. When I gave her the va-va, all she did was play with it and throw it after a little while. Instead she took another approach to sleep.
Come month 4 and Aditi started sleeping on her side. She chose her right side and placed her leg on the pillow beside her. As soon as the CD played, she would be asleep is less than 5 minutes. Oh and what a change was that to the endless rocking that happenend a few months ago. I was happy mother and started enjoying mommyhood. She would nap about 5 times a day - 30 minute sessions, and I chose to work around her nap times.
Around month 6, there were more changes to the sleep patterns. She started sucking her thumb! If she was sleepy, she would suck her thumb and all I had to do was put her in the bed and play the CD. She would sleep off in a few minutes. She had 2 well defined naps of about an hour in the morning and an hour and half in the afternoon.
The sleep technique came in handy on our trip to India. She would sleep off in a jiffy, but the trouble was the sound of two wheelers and constant honking on the road outside. India trip brought its own sleep problems. As she did not sleep in her crib for 6 weeks, she insisted on co-sleeping after we returned. And we would wake up all cramped every morning. Yet another habit to break....I strated to put her on our bed to sleep and place her in the crib as soon as she was asleep. This worked well and sometimes she wakes up at 4am demanding to sleep with us. And we sleep happily not having to share the bed with our baby.
Mommyhood does teach us lots of patience, but I also learnt to persevere and be steadfast in whatever I chose to teach my little girl.

1 comment:

Mama - Mia said...


wow!! thats awesome! fortunately for us, Kabir has always been someone who sleeps comfily!

he used to sleep terribly late first coupla months, but he would sleep atleast six hours straight!

now he sleeps by 11 with l'il bit of patting, sometimes on his own and wakes up exactly 8 hrs later! :)

sadly he has indeed lost his habit of sleeping on his own and crib is now l'il small for his wriggling and rolling form!

we sleep on the floor on mattress and things are comfy now! hope to get him to sleep independently soon!!

lovely post! :)
