Aditi enjoyed wearing all her pattu pavadais and salwar suits and playing a happy host to the kids who came home. This year's Ayudha pooja had a new addition and we visited the local temple on vijayadasami day. As the Golu drew to a close, I was worried about dismantling and repacking the dolls. But Aditi actually helped me bubble wrap and cover them with newspaper and Prashanth helped us load it all up into the attic.
We got Aditi a little kitchen set and she seems attached to it so much. She can be found preparing soup and teas and coffees all the time in her kitchen. She also claims that hers is a 'lovely pink and purple' kitchen while mine is 'gray(silver) and black'!
Looking forward to Halloween and Diwali.
Thanks so much for delurking, so happy to find have a lovely space here, will be catching up some more...very interesting to see you live in the UK, a place close to my heart...more soon. thanks.
happy to find you again, visit my blog too, iam back to the fun world again :)
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