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Friday, 16 April 2010

Back to blogging

I have had a big break, and am back after a very long time. Most of it I'll blame on new responsibilities and the additional work involved. But I'm enjoying being busy and loving this phase of Aditi where she makes proper adult like conversations. And her actions are only too good to be described. She's in this phase where she's addicted to everything Peppa Pig, so shopping with her over the last few months have been very difficult. Any tips from experienced parents are most welcome. How do you say no to a child without worrying about her repeated requests?
Summer has started early in this part of the world and the longer days and sunshine means we go out often and Aditi is back cycling inside our estate. She's got older girls as friends and absolutely adores their company. She can talk to them unlike last year where it was mostly through me. She's also being a perfect older sister to other little children from our estate. Incidentally there are four other kids who go to the same nursery as her and she loves to visit them in the baby room from time-to-time.
I'll hope to be more regular in my posting. More news including my new car in the next post.
And here's a picture of Aditi' with her ears pierced - a few weeks before her third birthday.


Timepass said...

Great to see you back..Nice pic of aditi. Keep posting..congrats for the new car..

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Mama - Mia said...

hey! dropped in after long time and loved reading all aditi updates! :)

she is looking adorable with her ears pierced!

as to say no to the kid, well you just have to be firm and tell her she cant have everything. maybe you can tell her she can pick a total of one or two things of ehr choice and then ask for no more.

keep your end of bargain for both giving in and NOT giving in. soon she will understand too! :)
