Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, 9 February 2009

The second birthday

The little girl celebrated her second birthday at her nursery two days before the actual day. The birthday itself was on a sunday, so we decided to throw a party on friday at her creche. I took half a day off and Prashanth had just finished his week of nights, so was free to join us around tea-time. I shopped for the cake and other nic-nacs to take to the nursery and reached about 5 minutes before 3PM. Aditi was having a nap, and her care-taker suggested we set the table up. I was hoping that Aditi'll be delighted to see us, but she was upset to be woken up and took over 10 minutes to settle down, get changed and finally shyed away when we had to cut the cake.

The rest of the children went over to wash their hands, and then quitely sat on the little table and chairs arranged for them. And there was no quarelling/fighting over seats, no shouting and all eyes eagerly set on the cake. One of her carers offered to take pictures, so Prashanth joined us for the cake cutting ceremony. I was busy cutting the rest of the cake and placing them on the paper plates, almost forgot that I had to give Aditi a plate as well, until she asked for it herself. We had some mini-bites, cornpuffs and McVites mini biscuits apart fro mthe birthday cake. The kids enjoyed themselves and asked for more helpings, the popular choice of one and all being cornpuffs. After some milk/juice, the kids looked happy and content.
The staff then escorted the children to the wash room and cleaned up the tables. We then picked up all the bits and pieces, and headed home. The best part of this simple party was Aditi enjoyed being among her folks and I enjoyed the party rather then running around attending guests. Now for some pictures.....


Timepass said...

Belated Happy Birthday Aditi..nice dress

Swaram said...

Happy Bday and nice pics.

Mama - Mia said...

belated Happy Birthday to Aditi!

and the party looks absolutely perfect!! :)

and Aditi is looking really cute!

many hugs to her!



Aditi's Album said...

Thanks Timepass. Good to see you in the Comments space again.

Swaram:Welcome and thanks.

Mama-Mia: Thanks for the wishes.Will pass on the hugs.