Each birth story is unique just as we all are and has always fascinated me. I think I had done enough of reading and put many many questions to Prashanth, that I was pretty sure that I knew what the birth would be like(except that I never really imagined how painful it would be). It was the 15th of January and I was extremely excited that morning for 2 reasons. My maternity leave had finally begun and my dear mother would be with me to help me out for the next 3 months. It was a windy and stormy day and it was decided that I would not be going to the airport to receive mom.
I remember giving lots of instructions to Prashanth - to walk slowly, to buy her refreshments and not to lose mummy(Yes, he has lost himself in Jammu at the age of 2 and lost his sister in London last spring and lost me many times in 3.5 years). I was to prepare my moms favorite dish - bisibelabath after the plane lands in Manchester (We lived about 70 miles from Manchester airport and the journey lasted 1.5 hours). After the initial exchange of hugs, I laid the table for us, had a few helpings and mom went to sleep early. The next 3 weeks were the best part for mom and I had almost never spent 3 consecutive weeks at home together in a long time. It was also during this time that we attended Parent Craft classes which were really helpful and also the Hospital tour.
Mom and I would go regularly for long walks and enjoy talking about the past. Time quickly flew by until it was end of January.We were informed that one of Prashanth's colleagues had deliverd a baby, one of his friends' friend had a baby boy and another newborn in the neighbourhood - all their EDD's were same as mine around 13th Feb. The waiting stretch continued and it was Sunday 4th February. Mom predicted that I would deliver on the Monday, but something deep inside told me that it would be the Thursday.
(A quick note: Thursdays are special to me. I met Prashanth for the first time on a thursday, we got married on a thursday, we found out that I was carrying on a thursday and all these happened most unexpectedly)
Monday came and went and I only had some really strong BHC's - Braxton Hicks Contractions. They lasted for 30 seconds and came in regular intervals. Prashanth was working that night and the next. So we decided to go to the triage and get checked. The nurse told us that it was common for first time pregnancies and not to worry, but go home and sleep well. Tuesday came and went and all I had were some more BHc'sand I stopped keeping track of them.The next day I could wait no longer and made a 2 mile walk to the local grocers to buy some fresh pineapple. I wanted to speed things up and I started with the easiest way of eating fresh pineapple. Then I read that mopping helps and so cleaned the kitchen and bathroom floors.
Not sure if they had any effects, but we went to sleep by 10 that night. About 11:30PM, I went to use the bathroom and realized that my waters had broken. We called the hospital and they asked us to come in straight away. We took nothing with us although my hospital bag was carefully packed 4 weeks earlier. The midwife performed an internal examination and told us that I would be induced if labour did not start within 24 hours. It was about 2 AM when we reached home and mom gave all of us a much needed cup of Horlicks. We all slept until 8 AM the next morning. It was Thursday, the 8th of February and I was sure that my little girl would make her grand appearance on that day. I had a nice bath followed by breakfast and mom & I started preparing rotis. As I rolled out the first one, my actual contractions had begun. It was 10:30 AM and there was a thin white layer of snow outside. I was feeling refreshed after a warm soak and was not too keen to track the timing. By noon, they were getting stronger and I noted the timings. Prashanth called the hospital at 1 PM and we were told to come in by 2PM as it was shift changing time and we would have to wait if we came sooner. We made a silent prayer and left home to reach the hospital triage by 1:30PM. It was on the 3rd floor and I managed to climb the 3 floors. I was checked by the midwife who said that I was 3cm dilated. Phew! It was almost 2:30PM and I was hooked on to the monitor. They gave me paracetemol for pain relief and mom and I started discussing for the nth time about my birth, while Prashanth killed time by reading a magazine. The crazy thing about the monitor was that it would come off each time I had a contraction and tried to sit up or change position on my bed. I really wish they come up with some other way to monitor the baby's heartbeat.
I was finally moved to the Delivery suite on the 4th floor by 3:45 PM. I had 2 long contractions in the lift and my midwife was sure that I was more than 3cm dilated. Now the delivery wards are like 5 start hotel rooms - really fantastic with CD players, TVs and nice lake views through the window. We were really happy to be moved into this place. Prashanth also found that one of the senior anesthetic registrars on call was well known to him. My cousin is a singer and we had chosen to take her CD along to pep me up during those tough moments of pain. By now my contractions were coming every few minutes and lasted 70 - 90 seconds. Andthe pain in the small of my back was terrible. My mom rubbed IODEX overy my back every time the ocntractions came and Prashanth took care of asking me to relax and keep breathing. By nature, I am not too vocal, but this was getting really difficult ot keep quiet and I was loudly moaning 'I can't do it any more', while the midwife kept me encouraging with her constant chatter. I dont remember much what we talked, but I think it helped a bit to distract me away form the pain.
It was about 4:30PM and I was in bad shape. Prashanth was waiting for this moment and asked me if I wanted an epidural. I always wanted a natural birth and I was honestly scared of instrumental delivery. After a while he talked me into taking an epidural and informed the midwife. Meanwhile, an internal examination was conducted and the midwife told me that I was 9cm dialted. To be dilated from 3cm to 9cm in 2 hours was unbelievable. I was so happy that she teasingly asked me if I still wanted an epidural. She also asked me if I would allow a medical student to watch the delivery. I was already told about this in the prentcraft classes and also informed that I could refuse if I wanted to. But having another person to support me in this time of need was helpful and I waved her in. My midwife asked me to push when I was ready and frankly I did not know how to push. This was at 5:30PM
The gyne doctor on call was informed and he came over to say that I would deliver wihtin the next 15 minutes. I was so happy to hear this. And I kept pushing hard. Each time the contractions came I tried to push and my poor baby went in and out many times. She was a natural kicker and gave me many sleepless nights with her kicks and she continued it on her birthday. It was past 6PM and the midwife started telling that she could see the hair on the baby's head. Mom and Prashanth peeped in to have a look and started saying that just one more push and she would be out. This continued till 6:30PM and still she was reluctant to leave the warmth of my body and drop in to the world. The doctor would come in every 15 min to say that the baby would be out, but nothing eventually would happen. At the parentcraft classes, we were told that the pushing would happen within 30 minutes and for me 90 minutes later, I was totally exhausted. All I received was a third degree tear. My little girl was born at 7:32 PM on a Thursday, much to the relief of one and all. As one of the midwives later remarked, I was literally pampered on either side by mom and Prashanth.I could not have done it without their strong support.
All was not well after her birth. She cried and her inital assessments were good. She latched on straight away and had 2 helpings before I decided to take some rest. By this time our midwife brought us wonderful bread toast dipping with butter and hot tea for the 3 of us. Mom enjoyed it and it was one of the best toasts I had had. There was again the change of shifts and the midwife who had seen me the earlier night when my waters had broken was again on duty. She came to suture my tear, but found that it was a deep one and needed a surgeon's assistance. I quickly asked Prashanth to explain to me what would happen next as I was quite scared of going to the theathre. The anesthetist and surgeon came an explained the procedures and I was wheeled into the OT at 12:30AM. I was given spinal and I slept a good 40 minutes throughout the surgery. The medical student was around and so it was not all new faces at the theatre. Also the anesthetist was Prashanth's colleague and it helped a bit. The worst was the recovery room which was too cold and the 10 minutes there seemed like ages. My teeth were chattering and in the light cotton hospital gown, it was extremely cold.
I came into my room at the postnatal ward at about 2:45 AM after which Prashanth and mom left. As I had a spinal anesthesia, my legs were numb and I would have to feed Aditi in the lying position. There was an Indian midwife who was so very helpful the whole night and kept Aditi beside me so she could feed as oftne as she wanted. I think the anesthesia and exhaustion made me sleep well. In the morning, Aditi was given a nice hot bath and the miwife remarked that she nejoyed it completely. Right from the very beginning, Aditi loved her baths. She would enjoy them so much that even today, her eyes lit up when I lower her into her bath tub. We came home on the Sunday and were so relived to be back home. Mom cooked up some lovely dinner and we enjoyed her cooking for the next 2 months, unti lI had to take over the home and kitchen, albeit reluctantly. 10 months later, I can say that I enjoyed every minute in the last 10 months although there were some ups and downs in the initial months.